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Showing posts from June, 2021

My Daily Journal

  I have been passing this online classes for a year and half, today I will share with you my daily journal when I’m in online class which is CALL subject. Enjoy it!    Meeting 1: Online Learning Strategies In my first meeting, I and my class had a virtual meetings through Google Meet with the lecturer. During the meeting, the lecturer tell us how the learning and teaching process will be done, the rule during the class and several question from the students if the wanted to ask the lecturer. After that, the class was continuing in Google Classroom. There, the lecturer provided several column which is presence, discussion column, the material and quiz. Then, the activities that I should do in google classroom were, introduced myself, red the material, watched the video, did the quiz, and filled the presence.That was interesting because it was my first meeting in this courses.   Meeting 2: Technology in Education In the second meeting of this course I learned abou...

Teaching Ideas

  In this part of my blog, i Wanna share with you about several teachig Ideas use specifict technologhy. Then, what are they? so, check this out!   ·          Teaching through Facebook Teaching with FacebookTeaching through Facebook it can be done by making a learning community or group on facebook. Here are the steps to make a community at facebook  1.      Go to Facebook, then click the ‘menu’ button. It places on the top right 2.      After that, you will find a ‘group’ menu, then just click it. 3.      After you click it, the display would be like this one :   Then, you only need to click the button ‘make a new group’ 4.   4. In the next page, you should fill the name of your learning group 5.   5. Then, you there are two choiches wheter you want to make your group as a public or not. Here, I will make it public because to teach we need t...


Nadya Fitri Affifa's Portfolio I recently finished the course CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) at the Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya in Surabaya. This  portofolio shows what I’ve worked on in the last few months, my podcast, virtual integrated video, and other creative projects! Here I wanna share to you and you also may share yours in the comment! 1. Technology in Education : Animation Video This was my first assignment in this course and I got an animation video. I made a description video about educational technology through and it was quite complicated because I needed a strong connection also a strong laptop because it was often getting error. However I enjoy the process and this project should be uploaded in youtube platform and I have already uploaded it.   2. The History of CALL : Timeline This was my second assignment, in this assignment I made a timeline about the history of CALL through Canva. Canva is an e...

EFL Teaching Resources

The Best EFL Teaching Resources There are so many great online resources for EFL teachers out there it can be hard to know where to start. The resources listed here cover a wide range of bases. Whether you’re teaching exclusively online or in the classroom, you’ll be sure to find plenty of ideas and materials to help you create and develop amazing lessons. This is the ultimate list of EFL Teaching resources that I wann share with you, but feel free to share your own with us in the comments below! Lesson plans Any EFL teacher will tell you about the importance of lesson planning. They’ll also tell you that it’s important to always have a back up. Below, you can find thousands of lesson plans, worksheets, and resources to help you create lessons – you’ll never be short of material!   The TEFL Org Designed specifically for newly-qualified EFL teachers, our lesson plans packs have been created by TEFL experts and have been tried and tested.   Busy Teacher Busy Teacher boasts 17,...

Welcome to my blog!

Hey! So glad you're here ✨ M y name is Nadya Affifa and people go by Dea. Iam currently a college student  at state Islamic university in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. I'm from the Department of English and Education in the fourth semester. During this online study I wanted to try something new by creating this blog, my first blog! and fill this blog with my writings about my activity in learning computer assisted language learning in teaching and learning English. H opefully this blog will be beneficial for you ✨ Thank you for reading this short story about me! and let me know if you have any questions about me in comment! or maybe you want to share any story about you! It will be nice to know each other🤗