through Facebook
Teaching with FacebookTeaching through Facebook it can be done by making a learning community or group on facebook. Here are the steps to make a community at facebook
1. Go to Facebook, then click the ‘menu’ button. It places on the top right
2. After that, you will
find a ‘group’ menu, then just click it.
3. After you click it, the display would be like this one :
Then, you only need to click the button ‘make a new group’
4. 4. In the next page, you should fill the name of your learning group
5. 5. Then, you there are
two choiches wheter you want to make your group as a public or not. Here, I
will make it public because to teach we need the other people so let’s make it
as a public group discussion
6. 6. After you finish it,
you will be asked for inviting your friends by giving their account using check
7. 7. When you have done inviting your friends, you only need to click the blue button under the list of name, then you already have a group discussion and you may start the discussion and teach your class there.
- Teaching through Whatsapp
There are several steps for you to be able to teach
through Whatsapp :
1. Teaching through Whatsapp, you should have a group first.
Go to Whatsapp then click on the top right
2. After that, make a new group
5. If you wanna add or make ypur class well known by a lot of people you can do this one
6. After you find it, you can click 'invite via link' and you can share the link and eeryone are allowed to join you class.
- Teaching through Youtube
There are several steps for you to be able to teach
through Youtube.
1. Open your Youtube channel, then click this icon
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